Current Initiatives
36th Memorial Remembrance Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery
The 36th Pan Am Flight 103 Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery.
A statement from the Victims of Pan Am Flight 103, Inc. about “Lockerbie: A Search for Truth.”
We are incredibly frustrated and angry about the content in the series. It does exactly what we feared it would: amplifies falsehoods and unsupported theories, ignores the work of hundreds of family members by focusing on one, disregards the work of investigators and prosecutors, and brings to life, in grotesque detail, the events of December 21, 1988. Worst of all, the series presents a convicted murderer as an innocent man that should be empathized with. This show dishonors the memories of our family members and puts doubt in the public about those that committed this heinous act. We are appalled.
2024 Remembrance Ceremony not impacted by potential Government Shutdown
The 2024 Remembrance Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery will proceed as planned even if there is a US government shutdown.
Applications Open for 2025-2025 Legacy Scholarships
The application for the 2025-2026 VPAF103-Legacy Scholarships is now open. There will be one VPAF103 Fellow and one VPAF103 Scholar chosen for students pursuing advanced degrees at U.S. institutions in areas of study related to improved national security and terrorism prevention.
Remembrance Week 2024
Syracuse University’s Remembrance Week 2024 will take place on the SU campus from Sunday, October 20 through Friday, October 25. Remembrance Week will begin with premiere of “Every Moment Radiant” and will include the annual Candlelight Vigil, the Celebration of Life, the annual Rose Laying ceremony and the Remembrance Convocation.
2024-25 Speaker Series
Three virtual speaker events are each academic year featuring the VPAF103-Legacy Scholarship Awardees and others in national security or terrorism prevention. VPAF103, Inc. presents this series to promote learning about advances in support of national security and terrorism prevention and highlight the impact that our Scholarship Awardees are making.
36th Remembrance Ceremony to be held at Arlington National Cemetery
Victims of Pan Am Flight 103, Inc. will again hold our traditional memorial service at the Pan Am Cairn at Arlington National Cemetery on Thursday, December 21st. The service will begin at 1:30 pm.
35th Memorial Remembrance Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery
The service included family and friends reading the names of all our loved ones lost in 1988, and speeches by Dr Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, White House Homeland Security Advisor, Dorothy Bain, Lord Advocate of Scotland, and Kara Weipz, President of Victims of Pan Am Flight 103.
Statement on Mas’ud Trial Access Legislation
Allowing loved ones who have waited over three decades for a trial in this country to be able to participate in a way they are able, is true justice.
Cody Gardiner - Ivory and Instagram: The Link Between Wildlife Trafficking, Social Media, and National Security
On Thursday, January 18, 2024, at 4 p.m. ET, Cody Gardiner, 2023-24 Victims of Pan Am Flight 103, Inc. Fellow, will present Ivory and Instagram: The Link Between Wildlife Trafficking, Social Media, and National Security as part of the Legacy Speaker Series.
Cody Gardiner completed his bachelor’s degree at Emory University, where he double majored in international studies and history with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East.
Max Goldberg - The Accessibility of Terror
Max Goldberg, 2023-24 VPAF103 Legacy Scholar, will present The Accessibility of Terror as part of the Legacy Speaker Series. Max Goldberg is an accelerated BA/MA in International Relations student at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, with minors in Geography, and Atrocity Studies and Practices of Social Justice.
34th Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery
Video of the 34th Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery. The service included family and friends reading the names of all our loved ones lost in 1988, and speeches by Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, Dorothy Bain, Lord Advocate of Scotland, and Kara Weipz, President of Victims of Pan Am Flight 103.
Syracuse University Memorial
The Syracuse University community gathered in person and virtually for the annual Pan Am Flight 103 Memorial Service.
Updated Instructions to Attend 34th Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery
All attendees must go through security.
VPAF103, Inc. Statement on Custody of Mas’ud
With the USA gaining custody of Abu Agila Mohammad Mas’ud, the pursuit of justice has taken an important step. Our loved ones will never be forgotten, and those who are responsible for their murder on December 21, 1988 must face justice.
Remembrance at Arlington
Remembering the victims of Pan Am Flight 103 in Arlington National Cemetery.